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The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Weddingrating: 5 of 5 stars

I don't know if it is because my anniversary is tomorrow and I am feeling nostalgic or if it was this book but I am an emotional mess right now....

The Wedding is a love story following Sparks earlier book The Notebook. The story is told through Noah and Allie's son-in-law, Wilson and is about his relationship with his wife over the past 30 years.

I enjoyed reading this from Wilsons perspective and seeing that he noticed he made mistakes in his relationship. It took him 30 years to correct them and start a new beginning with his wife. I also enjoyed the stories of Noah and Allie that were captured in the book. I loved The Notebook and it was nice to see the story come alive again.

Although the book was very predictable I felt it was more enjoyable this way rooting for Wilson and hoping that he could patch up his marriage and have Jane fall in love with him all over again. A wonderful love story.


Brandie said...

I enjoyed this book. Sparks makes me emotional every time!

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