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Say When: A Novel by Elizabeth Berg

Monday, June 1, 2009

Say When : A Novelrating: 1 of 5 stars

I don't know if it was Elizabeth Berg's writing style (childish) or the book itself, but i really did not like this book. I tried to like it but it was pretty bad. The writing was immature, the characters were whiny and where I could normally relate to or like at least one character -- I disliked everyone in this book. I'm happy to put it behind me.


Sherry Dale Rogers said...

Wow, now I know I am not reading that one. Thanks for the tip on swimmers ear, it finally went away. I almost used the same layout glad I didnt you make it work so well. Thanks for stopping by, come back soon. Happy Blogging!

Sherry Dale Rogers said...

Oh, and Chicks on Lit Rule.

Brandie said...

i almost cancelled my Berg novel on hold at the library. i'm gonna still get it and see, but i don't have much faith!

i love the phil collins song playing right now!

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